Bangkok Condominiums – Still Worth An Investment?

by admin on June 19, 2014

Is Bangkok still a worthwhile place to invest in condominiums? Dr Andrew M Goodman wrote this article for thailawforum “Thailand’s Condominium Bubble a Reality or Myth” which considers the pros and cons of doing so.

Goodman reminds us that historically real estate has been deemed to be one of the best investments to make.

Chaninat & Leeds attorney specialize in condominium law in Thailand

New investors should also note that advertising for condos in the city is increasingly hyped by using adjectives such as ‘prestigious,’ ‘distinctive,’ ‘upscale,’ ‘exclusive,’ and other terms not related to the qualities of the property but meant to lure the buyer through an almost primal appeal to ego issues.

Further, the real estate market in general is regularly a victim of unpredictable short-term fluctuations in price; caused by political factors, demand factors, demographic factors involving the movement of people, as well as the building of shopping or school facilities or transport services along with a myriad of other price impacting factors.

Read the full article here

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