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The Dangers of Purchasing Land in Thailand Using Thai Nominees

Site View Construction Building Bangkok

Using Thai nominees, also known as sponsors, to skirt Thai law and purchase land or own a business as a foreigner in the Southeast Asian nation has become increasingly popular in recent years. But just because it is a widely used loophole to get around existing Thai laws prohibiting foreign ownership of land without going through the proper channels, it doesn't mean it is advisable--or legal. In fact, a major Thai law firm recently had four of their offices raided across Thailand for … [Read more...]

Thailand Company Registration

Thailand Real Estate Law Center

Thailand Law provides for several different types of business organizations. The regulations controlling establishing a business in Thailand are found in the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code. Special types of Business entities for foreigners (non-Thai nationals) in Thailand are provided for in laws such as the Board of Investment Act and the Foreign Business Act B.E 2542 (A.D. 1999). The most commonly used types of Company registrations in Thailand take on the following forms: Thailand … [Read more...]

Registering a Thailand Amity Treaty Company

Thailand Real Estate Law Center

The Treaty of Amity is a treaty between the United States and Thailand that commemorates the historical relationship between Thailand and the USA. The treaty is intended to promote trade, commerce, cultural understanding between the two States and also provide for special legal rights for the citizens of each nation. The US- Thai Amity Treaty provides US citizens special rights to run businesses in Thailand and also provides Thai citizens special privileges to run businesses in the USA. The … [Read more...]